Our Work

Who we support
A carer is a family member or friend who provides assistance with the tasks of daily living to someone who lives with a disability, a medical condition (including a terminal or chronic illness), a mental illness or is frail and aged.
A carer’s role can include assisting with daily living activities such as housework, transport, health care, shopping, and meals, reading and writing, emotional and mental support, and personal care.
Why we support
Carers ACT’s purpose is to support, connect and empower carers to maintain their caring role and personal wellbeing.
As a trusted partner in care, we aim to enable carers to undertake their role with capacity and capability whilst also enabling carers to participate in everyday activities such as employment, education, and social activities by providing a range of integrated services and supports.
We are the voice for carers in the ACT and work with industry and government to make Canberra a more carer-friendly community.
We are also a proud member of the National Network of Carer Associations, working in partnership to promote awareness of carers and the issues related to the caring role.
How we support
Carers ACT delivers meaningful support to carers through three core roles:
We support…
As a service provider -designing and delivering services that have tangible positive impact for carers and respond directly to carer needs.
We connect…
As a service navigator – by removing barriers to receiving support and healing carers navigate services, supports and their caring journey.
We empower
Through being an Influential advocate and change maker – listening to and elevating the voice of carers across the community.
Using purpose-based decision-making, we continually develop our competency and capacity as a service provider, service navigator and as a influential advocate.
"A big thank you to Carers ACT who continue to be fierce advocates for carers and their need."

Canberra should be a place that is truly inclusive with equal opportunities, respect, and recognition for all. Yet as the ACT Minister for Carers, I’ve heard many stories from carers that they feel overlooked and face barriers to fully participate across our community. I hear you and want to ensure you feel recognised, appreciated, and supported for the work you do every day to keep Canberra a safe, secure, and cared for city. As we continue through the pandemic and shift the focus towards social recovery, I will elevate your voice across Government and co-design with you on policies and initiatives that will not only support your work and lives but make Canberra a more caring, inclusive, and equitable place.
A big thank you to Carers ACT who continue to be fierce advocates for carers and their need. Their ongoing leadership and engagement with Government has secured additional funding in the ACT 2022-23 Budget for the Carers Strategy and led the development of the Carers Recognition Act, which is now being implemented. Chief Executive Officer Lisa Kelly continues to passionately advocate on improving outcomes for carers so they can be more engaged, included and supported across the Territory.
Thank you,
Emma Davidson
Minister for Disability
Minister for Justice Health
Minister for Mental Health
Minister for Veterans and Seniors
Assistant Minister for Families and Community Services
Greens MLA for Murrumbidgee
CEO Report

Rebuild. Recover. Reconnect.
For carers, the community, and the team at Carers ACT, the 2022 financial year has been a year of rebuilding, recovering and reconnection.
When I wrote about the impacts of COVID-19 in the previous annual report, it was clear we were not yet clear of the pandemic and its impact. In August 2021, the ACT entered a one-week lockdown that would turn into months and this lockdown would hit morale, supply chains and community resilience even harder than the first 12 months of the pandemic.
Reflecting on the start of that lockdown being just one year ago, I am awed by the changes and challenges our Carers ACT team, and of course our carers have had to weather in such a short time. We often hear about “new normal” now and “living with Covid” but so the most vulnerable people in our community and their carers, the transition has been far from just a mindset.
The vast majority of carers are still socially isolated and wary or unable to return to services other for themselves of the people they care for. The Carers ACT team have had to innovate our service delivery to meet this need by offering more online services or organising events and services between lockdowns in Covid-19 safe ways.
I am proud and hearten by our achievements despite the ever-changing environments and pressure of 2021-2022.
Our first year of operation at our second respite cottage – Naraganawali – has been a great success, doubling our capacity to offer overnight respite and day programs. Our cottages presented in interesting challenge as we navigated the definition of ‘health care’ and ‘aged care’ and how we could remain open in lockdowns while protecting the people we cared for and our staff.
Our retreats and in-person wellbeing activities took a hit during lockdown, but our teams rose to the challenges as soon as they were able to, and still delivered a high level and volume of services in the time we did have available.
National Carers Week in 2021 was celebrated with an online cocktail party and carer packages delivered to carers as we innovated not just our methods or working, and service delivery, but also the way we recognise and celebrate carers. In a time when carers were less visible than ever, it was important that we found ways to still see the work and community contribution that carers performed during the Pandemic.
And to really acknowledge and capture this unique period in time, we have also been working with carers to compile a book of carer experiences during the pandemic. It will be a great privilege to share these stories with the community when we publish “Caring through the Pandemic” early next financial year.
Although the changers of support carers and adjusting our working environment around Covid-19 was an overwhelming feature of the financial year, we were also able to achieve a great deal in our strategic and advocacy work.
Carers ACT has been a persistent and influential presence in Canberra’s Covid-19 policy-making and recovery efforts and we will continue to hold carers voices in this space as the community moves forward with recovery.
We were proud and delighted to see the Carers Recognition Act 2021 (ACT) passed into legislation in December and have undertaken work to see the principles of the Act understood and applied in our own organisation, in care organisations and the broader community. The introduction of the Act is a significant step in carer recognition and creates a long-lived and stable foundation for carers and care relationships to been seen and supported in all health practices, care settings and service provision, and hopefully in time the wider community. Carers ACT looks forward to being an active driver of the Carer Recognition Act in years to come.
At Carers ACT, the principles now found in the Carers Recognition Act have always been at the heart of our organisation and in all our work, and we are pleased to report the ways in which we can now demonstrate this against the Act. Our service delivery encapsulates carer-centered practice, with care planning tailored to the support needs of carers, including during changes to the care relationship. We actively engage in innovative consultation processes to ensure that carers social wellbeing and health are recognised when planning or reviewing support services. This includes regular collection of feedback following group programs, coaching, and counselling sessions, consultation through the Advocacy and Policy Advisory Group and the bi-annual mental health carer survey. Carers ACT asks all carers who have used our services for their evaluation and maintains and reviews a register of unmet needs to improve our services and how they might better support the care relationship.
We are at the forefront of fostering connection between carers and the wider community, with various advocacy and engagement activities seeking to recognise carers for their efforts and dedication, and for the social and economic contribution they make to the community. Our Policy and Advocacy team raise the voice of carers and make sure they are heard in the right forums.
Moreover, Carers ACT has demonstrated courage in industry leading Human Resources policy that provides staff who are carers with Paid Carers Leave, independent to their Personal Leave. In doing so, our organisation aims to provide a supportive workplace environment that acknowledges the effect that the caring role may have on participation in employment. Ultimately, as the largest carer support agency and the peak body for carers in the ACT, Carers ACT leads the way in the implementation of the Carers Recognition Act.
We also continued our commitment to and work toward the ACT Carers Strategy in 2021-2022. After delivering our initial report against the first Strategy Action Plan (2018-2021), we have kept the aims of the strategy in our sights and continues our goal to create a Canberra that cares for carers.
Recognition, valuing the contribution of carers, and community support of caring roles are cornerstones that Carers ACT intrinsically supports and is proud to contribute to. The work of the ACT Carers Strategy is broad and systemic, and in order to achieve tangible outcomes for carers and raise awareness on the scale asked by the strategy, we have aligned our activities and planning with the Strategy and campaigned the government for ongoing funding to support the Strategy work.
The Carer Recognition Act 2021 (ACT) and The ACT Carer Strategy put Canberra in an excellent position to deeply integrating caring in our community understanding and practices. We are invigorated by the opportunity to work on these objectives in the coming years.
The achievements we’ve had across this year – both operationally and strategically could not have been possible without several groups who enable carers ACT year in and year out.
To the team of Carers ACT - thank you for showing up, innovating, and caring even while your own lives were uncertain, and our collective energy grew thin. Your dedication and genuine care for our carers inspires me.
To the Board - your resilience, guidance and steady presence has been invaluable in helping us ask and answer some unprecedented questions, and navigate rapid change in a responsible, safe, and ethical way. Thank you for what you give to the organisation, and what you enable for Canberra carers.
And to all carers across Canberra – thank you. Your contribution to the community is seen and valued. We have witnessed your struggles and your strength this year in a new light and we understand that even as the rest of society bounces back from the pandemic, the journey back to ‘normal’ for carers will be tentative and complex.
As we return to offices, in-person activities and services, and new practices, and as we begin to reassess how we do what we do, there is a lingering presence of the pandemic in all of our thoughts and souls.
We rebuild, but the structure and our planning is different.
We recover, but we recognise that this process isn’t linear or predictable.
We reconnect, and value and navigate our connections against new and intentional measures.
"New Normal" might be some time aware for our carers and our team, but I am optimistic and committed to ensuring that when get there, it can be a new normal where carers are more understood, valued, and supported in all facets of life, and integrated in a community that shares the care.

Lisa Kelly
Chief Executive Officer
Our Strategic Imperatives
Carers ACT is a trusted partner in caring
Partnership Broker
- Partner with carers to be a trusted source of information and connection
- Drive partnerships with key influencers that build awareness and recognition of carers
- Collaborate with others in the community to connect carers to information, support and services.
- Collaborate with the National Network and Carers Australia to form a trusted partner for carers and government nationally.
Responsible Decision Maker
- Implement business processes and governance that allows the organisation to respond effectively and efficiently to the changing environment.
- Ensure the organisation remains viable and capable of delivering services of value to carers.
- Maintain accreditation and identity as a quality service provider.
- Actively pursue opportunities that enables our purpose and mission
Key Influencer
- Use our expertise and sphere of influence to raise awareness, affect policy and enhance services for carers.
- Ensure the voices of carers are heard in the formation of policy.
- Influence the implementation of the ACT Carers Strategy.
- Partner with carers to influence the services and systems they interact with and that impact the caring role
- Collaborate to ensure that carers are able to access quality services in the community that respond to and meet their needs.
- Provide services that have a positive impact on carers and enables them to continue in their caring role.
- Assist carers to navigate through service systems to ensure they can access the services and supports that are available to them and the person they care for.
2021-2022 Key Strategic Achievements
Partnership Broker
- Commenced "Carer Friendly Health Practices" initiative in partnership with Capital Health Network, to codesign and implement carer friendly GP surgeries and allied health environments
- Collaborated with Carers Australia and other state association to commission the “Cost of Caring” report, and to promote the report findings.
- Ongoing partnership with Ministers, ACT Health Directorate, ACT Community Services Directorate, Office of the Chief Health Officer, CHS and Non-government Organisations on the response to the COVID-19 outbreak and ensuring access to vaccines for carers and the people they care for
- Formed partnerships with Advocacy for Inclusion and ADACAS (Aged, Disability and Carer Advocacy Service) as the three key disability advocacy programs in the ACT.
- Partnered with other Mental Health Peaks to sponsor the annual Mental Health Awards Ceremony
- Partnered with the National Network to conduct the second biannual survey into Carer Needs and Experiences across Australia creating the second national dataset and the first opportunity to review and analyse changes in carer experiences over time.
Key Influencer
- Provided feedback on the carer experience of Hospital in the Home report
- Contributed feedback on consultations on the National Safety and Quality Standards for Mental Health for Community Managed Organisations, the ACT Health Quality Strategy, the ACT Health Territory Wide Health Services Framework, the National Mutual Recognition Project, and the Nurses and Midwives Occupational Violence Toolkit
- Provided input into the reporting requirements in the ACT Carer Recognition Act
- Supported the tabling of the ACT Carer Recognition Act, and it’s subsequent promotion once passed. Carers ACT continues to influence organisations and community sector adoption and understanding of the Act
- Participated in consultations on the next iteration of the Step Up for our Kids Out of Home Care Strategy
- Influenced ACT government about the implementation of the ACT Carers Strategy and petitioned for budget 2022 funding
- Recognised as a leader and key influencer in the community in relation to Covid-19 response through participation in; Joint NGO and Government COVID working group, Disability Sector COVID briefings with the Minister, NGO COVID-19 Response Update briefings, and COVID Disability Oversight Group
- Completed a paper on the need for a respite facility for Mental Health carers and lobbied for this on Mental Health Respite services and funding on behalf of MH carers and
- Actively participated in needs assessment commissioning activities across the ACT, ensuring a greater proportion of service delivery and funding for carer supports in the upcoming commissioning and procurement activities across ACT Health and Community Services Directorates
- Successfully opened a second respite cottage facility, doubling our capacity of overnight and day programs in the ACT
- Supported Carers Australia and the ACT Minister for Disability to lobby against the key proposed changes to the NDIS, achieving successful outcomes for carers
- Delivered between 70-100% of service delivery sessions and hours on all service lines despite substantial lockdowns and Covid-19 restrictions
- Delivered online carers week celebrations while community movements were restricted
- Conducted the annual Mental Health Carer Voice survey in December and received three times the number of responses on the previous year.
- Participation on the ACT Health Integrated Care Steering Committee to guide the reform of health care provision in the ACT, and enable more client centred single point access to care for people with chronic health, complex health or health conditions and disability.
- Operation of a day program in the Illawarra on behalf of Southern NSW Local Health District
- Conducted our Annual Reconciliation Day lunch which was well attended by staff, carers, our disability Hub participants and members of the Aboriginal community
- Partnered with Shaw Building Group to sponsor the NAIDOC Week Awards and Ball
- Developed a relationship with Access Canberra to make government services more a carer friendly and accessible
Responsible Decision Maker
- Commenced a second review of the Home Care Package Administration program
- Migration to a new CRM and improvements to reporting tools, as a key enabling technology to improve efficiencies
- Reviewed Carer Act operations from a Covid-19 risk perspective and implemented
- Implemented work from home arrangements during Covid-19 peaks and continue to review operational effectiveness with health measures in a hybrid environment
- Actively engaged in commissioning work across the ACT to ensure carers needs at elevated and Carers ACT core business are aligned with commission outcomes
- Participated in forming the Public Health Direction mandating vaccination in disability and aged care workers working in community based settings or delivering in home care
- Actively engaged in the Aged Care System reforms to ensure carer need are considered and that Carers ACT is well placed to respond to
Service delivery snapshot
carers were able to share and connect with other carers in more than 323 educational, social and wellbeing group activities.
sessions provided to Carers to learn strategies to maintain their wellbeing and build resilience through 91 wellbeing sessions.
places were provided for carers enhanced their wellbeing through our 150 social activities such as craft groups, lunches, and art groups.
carers were able to take a break with the aged person they care for during 6 ACT Walking the Journey Together Retreats.
carers were able to take a break with the aged person they care for during 5 Illawarra Walking the Journey Together Retreats.
carers were supported through 653 counselling sessions and 263 coaching sessions
carers attended 81 educational workshops which equipped them with vital skills and knowledge, boosted their confidence, and strengthened their capacity to care.
carers in the ACT were provided carer support and planning, respite care, information, and links to local services.
carers of people with mental health conditions were provided relevant information through our Mental Health Carers Voice E-Bulletin.
carers were able to have a vital break from caring through accessing cottage respite at Deakin Cottage and Naraganwali Cottage
people attended weekly social support groups for our aged Indian, Filipino, Muslim, Multicultural and Sri-Lankan clients and their carers.
carers and foster and kinship carers were supported to have their rights as carers recognised and to learn self-advocacy skills in the process.
Young Carers were supported to balance school, home and caring duties through our Carer Gateway services.
Young Carers were provided tailored support packages to help them cope with the impact of the pandemic and ongoing caring responsibilities.
adults living with disability attended our Hub program which enabled them to maintain social connection and develop essential life skills.
Our services were impacted by COVID-19 with many of our group activities moving to online delivery. Other services, such as Cottage Respite, temporarily ceased service provision and then returned to operating on reduced numbers.
Carer Satisfaction
Results from the monthly Carers ACT Carers Satisfaction Surveys from July 2021-June 2022 show:
of carers felt heard, supported, and respected by Carers ACT.
of carers reported that the support Carers ACT provided helped them to manage their role as a carer.
of carers felt satisfied with the services they had received from Carers ACT.
of carers felt able to deal with issues that they sought help for from Carers ACT.
Carer Journeys
This year Carers ACT paid special tribute to a very unique set of carer experiences through the publication of “Caring Through the Pandemic” – a coffee table book capturing the unique circumstances and touching stories of carers and their loved ones.
Caring through the Pandemic was produced first and foremost to celebrate the resilience and creativity of our carers and raise the profile of unpaid carers in the community, but the publication also highlighted the valuable skills and wellbeing techniques that Carers ACT bring to carers. The publication showcases photography, journals, art and writing by carers during COVID, and many carers attributed these creative outlets and self-awareness techniques as playing an important part in wellbeing during isolation. Carers ACT was delighted with feedback about our art, photography and writing classes, and wellbeing strategies learnt in one-on-one support or group sessions being such a valuable resource for carers in the uncertainty of the pandemic.
Follow Anna's journey
Anna is a 16-year-old carer who joined the Young Carer Group at school after becoming a young carer for her father with a mental health condition.

Anna was supported by a Young Carer worker to develop a care plan to ensure that she received the supports needed to look after her dad, succeed at school and spend time with her friends.
As part of the care plan Anna accessed cooking lessons with a friend so she could learn to prepare nutritious meals while sharing memories with her friend.

Anna had the opportunity to build friendships and skills through participating in the Young Carers programs and workshops, which were funded through our sponsorship with Shaw Building Group and their supporters. They provided Anna with a chance to have fun and to feel less isolated by meeting other young carers in our support groups.
Follow Xi's journey

Through conversations with his care planner Xi developed a wellbeing plan that enables him to manage the stress of balancing all the roles he has in his life. The plan helps Xi to focus his limited time in the areas of his life that will build his wellbeing. Following the plan helps Xi to feel in control and enables him to take some time out to focus on him.
With Xi’s daughter attending the Hub Day Program and his newfound confidence in applying for jobs, Xi has now secured employment and is managing to juggle all of his roles with renewed hope for the future.
Follow Amara's journey
Amara is a 75-year-old carer of her spouse who has Dementia. Amara was referred to Carers ACT following her spouse having been admitted to hospital.

Amara’s husband was assessed as requiring additional support to remain at home. Amara found it more difficult to leave her husband whilst she went to the shops or to the hairdressers. Amara had given up completely on having her hair done as this meant she was away from the house for too long. Through our flexible respite program we provided a support worker to stay at home with her husband so Amara could have her hair cut and coloured.

When Amara needed a rest and some time to focus on her health and wellbeing, we supported her by providing her husband with a week’s respite in our cottage program. During the week her husband was looked after and enjoyed gardening, cooking and chasing the chooks. Amara benefited from the break so much that her husband now has a week’s respite every 3 months.

As her husband’s care needs increased, he was provided with a Home Care Package to purchase the supports he needs. Carers ACT worked with Amara and her husband to develop a care plan to meet their needs and through the Home Care Package administration program has purchased the supports to enable Amara to continue to care for her husband in their home.
ACT Carers Strategy 2018-2028 Progress Report
Carers ACT continues to work in partnership with the ACT Government, carers, and the community sector to develop the ACT Carers Strategy 2018-2028 - a framework to support and recognise the work of carers and make Canberra more carer-friendly.
A Three-Year Action Plan was launched in October 2018, which outlined 25 actions that will deliver on the vision, outcomes and priorities established in the Strategy. These actions fall broadly under five themes: services and supports for carers; recognition and awareness; inclusion; support for young carers; and workforce and skills recognition.
Year 2020-21 saw the completion of the third year of the first action plan. Building on the work we have already undertaken and the services and programs we provide, we proudly share the ways in which Carers ACT has continued to contribute to the implementation of several actions in the ACT Carers Strategy:
Deliver programs and activities to help carers, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander carers and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) carers, navigate available services and supports, such as mentoring for new carers.
Carers ACT developed the following programs to enable caring communities to navigate and access services and supports to maintain their health and wellbeing in accessible and culturally safe environments:
- Carers ACT received funding through the Commonwealth Home Support Program to develop and deliver CALD-specific social support groups for people who are frail aged and their carers. Groups have been established for people from Sri Lankan and Indian backgrounds, with more 30 people attending weekly.
- Carers ACT runs both the Ngullaway Art Group for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander carers and a retreat for Mental Health Carers, which provide respite and assist carers to access and navigate services.
Define respite care and promote access to suitable respite care.
- Carers ACT established a partnership with Palliative Care ACT to implement a respite care cottage for people receiving palliative care. This new facility can support people requiring overnight care, enabling carers to have a break from their caring role.
- Carers ACT secured a second facility to provide cottage respite care for people who are frail aged. The second of its kind in Canberra, the cottage can support 4 people who are frail aged for overnight respite per night and can provide day respite for up to 12 people. This provides carers with a short break and opportunities to engage in other activities. These facilities allow carers to access suitable respite carer, helping them maintain and prioritise their health and wellbeing.
- Carers ACT promoted access to respite care during the COVID-19 health emergency, by sponsoring the Winter Wonderland Community Activity Packs. This initiative provided respite to carers during a challenging period and encouraged engagement with fun activities to support mental wellbeing. They included activities and resources for children, Know Your Neighbour cards, a Carers ACT Information Sheet, and telehealth resources. The Winter Wonderland packs were distributed in several neighbourhoods and were available at local shopping centres, ACT libraries and community organisations.
- Carers ACT contributed to the co-design process established by ACT Health Directorate for the implementation of two Safe Haven Cafes for people with mental health conditions. These will provide a safe space for mental health consumers, providing carers with reassurance so they can take small breaks from their caring role.
Support carers to advocate for themselves and the people they care for.
- Carers ACT supported carers to advocate for themselves through staff training to build carers’ capacity and capability to self-advocate; education programs to inform and empower carers; and online training and tools.
- Carers ACT has developed the Carer Navigator, a website for mental health carers. This will assist carers to navigate their way in the mental health system, better understand the service system, be aware of their rights, and access tips to support advocacy.
Promote carers in the ACT during National Carers Week.
Carers ACT coordinated Carers Week activities to increase awareness and recognition of carers, support carers to advocate for themselves and celebrate the contribution they make to our community. These activities raised the ACT community’s awareness of carers, and recognise carers in a formal, intentional, and consistent way.
Activities included:
- Carers Week flags on Commonwealth and Kings Ave bridges
- Radio interviews with Carers ACT, carers, and the people they care for
- Carers attending the Carers Australia Afternoon Tea with the Governor General
- Annual cocktail party
Deliver an annual event to celebrate the role and contribution of carers.
Carers ACT organised a cocktail party in February 2021 with 100 carers, to recognise and celebrate the contribution carers make to the community.
Collaborate to link existing programs to provide tailored support to meet the education and training needs of young carers.
- Carers ACT, through a donation from Shaw Building Group, provided young carers with scholarships to support their engagement in education and training.
- Carers ACT continued to resource young carer support groups in 5 secondary schools in the ACT and provided support and information to teachers and pastoral care staff. This financial assistance supports the operation of young carer support groups, ensuring an ongoing connection to community.
Advocate for the provision of mental health and wellbeing support to young carers.
- Carers ACT, in collaboration with CYCLOPS, advocated for and provided mental health and wellbeing supports to young carers by developing and delivering a new young carer support group (carers aged 15-18 years) that focuses on wellbeing through a fun and social space. The support group creates a space for 15 young carers to connect and have a break from their caring responsibilities by engaging socially with others.
- Carers ACT, in collaboration with CYCLOPS, conducted a young carers camp during Youth Week 2020, with 12 young carers participating in the activity.
Employ engagement approaches that enable participation by carers, including in policy development.
- Carers ACT is represented on the Oversight Group: COVID-19 Plans for People with Disability (the Oversight Group) and attends monthly meetings to contribute to the ACT Government’s pandemic response and works closely with CSD’s Office for Disability. Carers ACT also participates in relevant out-of-session meetings related to the Oversight Group, such as a recent discussion about ACT Health website information related to carers and the issue of quarantine.
- Mental Health Carers Voice, through Carers ACT, continues to employ a range of engagement activities to ensure that the voices of people with lived experience as a mental health carer are included in policy and service development.
- Carers ACT supports carers to sit on a range of committees and forums to ensure the voice of carers is included in policy development. Carers ACT supplements this with staff participating in committees to represent the interests of carers.
- Carers ACT conducted a range of consultations, surveys, focus groups and forums to engage carers in a range of policy development discussions across government.
Next steps
Carers ACT continues to work in partnership with the ACT Government, carers and the community sector to develop and realise the framework to support and recognise the work of carers and make Canberra more carer-friendly - the ACT Carers Strategy 2018-2028.
Following the release of the Final Report of the First Action Plan in December 2021, Carers ACT has been working with the Carers Strategy Governance Group to identify key areas of focus for the next action plan to be endorsed by the Legislative Assembly.
In the meantime, Carers ACT has continued to progress priorities of the Carers Strategy on many fronts including initiatives to increase community awareness, carer friendly health practices and workplace support or carers.
A second action plan is earmarked for development next financial year.
When you are caring for someone, the focus is constantly on them, not you. Caring is a tough gig, it is great attending activities at Carers ACT, as the focus is on you and you feel that you matter too. The Carers ACT staff are always friendly and supportive.
Our Staff
Results from the Carers ACT Employee Satisfaction & Engagement Survey Report, conducted by Your Say on Nov 2021, show:
Staff rated their organisation satisfaction (it’s culture, direction and strategy, and workplace inclusion) at:
Staff rated their work-life quality satisfaction (a balance between personal and work-life, a physical environment conducive to performance, and perceived happiness of co-workers) at:
Staff rated their recognition and acknowledgement of their work satisfaction (type and frequent of recognition, positive feedback for good work performance) at:
Staff rated management satisfaction (clarity of goals and expectations, support and encouragement from management and managers competency) at:
Staff rated their own work satisfaction (an understanding of expectations, personal satisfaction derived from work, degree of autonomy and support and manageable workloads) at:
Satisfaction rating about support received while working through Covid
Our partners & supporters
Shaw Building Group
Carers ACT would like to thank Shaw Building Group for its continued support for the past 16 years. Through their annual Bowls Day, Shaw Building Group raised almost $124,000 for carers, the highest amount of donations throughout the history of our partnership. This generous support enabled us to provide respite services, retreats, tuition assistance, scholarships, and essential equipment to those who need it most. We greatly value our longstanding relationship with Shaw Building Group and thank them for their ongoing support.
Community support
Carers ACT would like to express our gratitude for the financial and volunteer support from numerous individuals and companies throughout the year, whose generosity has made a huge impact in the daily lives of carers and the individuals that they care for. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the carers who gave their time to share their stories and promote carers’ needs in the media, government, forums, and committees which have helped shape policy and bring awareness to the valuable contribution that carers make to our community.
Funding support
Carers ACT would like to acknowledge and thank the following organisations for their continued support and funding:
- Australian Government Department of Social Services
- Australian Government Department of Health
- ACT Government Health Directorate
- ACT Government Community Services Directorate
Audited Financial Report